Wednesday, 28 November 2012

NaNoWriMo #28- 5k to go

My post yesterday was a bit negative, but it turned out to be a good, positive day writing wise. I'm not someone who can claim to sit at a computer for 8 hours straight and write 10,000 words (although I should give it a try sometime...) I got to my target of 2500 words yesterday afternoon before I went to Ikea to meet my brother for tea -and to browse at the cheap furniture). I got back late evening and managed to write the rest. I've ended missing a day, and doing a major catch up the day after. Whereas before I'd have balked at the thought of writing 1667 words, that seems a warm up amount. Writing 5000 words in a day, once broken down is achievable, and enjoyable. You strangely don't fee like you've written that amount, but the handy word count lets you know all the while what you've done.

Two days left to go. See you all at the finish line.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

NaNoWriMo #27-Nearing the end

My word count is shamefully behind. Again I have work to blame, it's been a busy few days, which leaves me rather frustrated when the only down time I manage to get I need to sleep (working ten-twelve hour days with a couple hours for a break isn't the best for writing). Yes it is my sort of fault when I have taken on a part time job on top of my full time hours, but you gotta do what you gotta do. But I can't beat myself up over this too much, sometimes life has to take front seat. Writing is also priority, but paying the bills has to come first, and that means working. I do work for my family and I can't slack at that. I've still achieved 40,000 words in less than a month. I have found that in missing a couple days, I suddenly can't be bothered, though I am still bothered about falling behind. I do really want to get this month finished and say for my first NaNoWriMo I am very capable of writing a novel in a month. I am going to cross the finish line, even if I am going to be a little tired and cranky because of it.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

NaNoWriMo #22

35,000 words to my name so far, in three weeks no less. There have been some days where I have lagged behind but managed to catch up the next day. This has made me realise a key factor which is good and bad about me:

I need deadlines.

The thought of falling behind a day, or missing that deadline has had me achieving the minimum word count at least. (some days have been better, in the region of 1800 words.) I haven't steamed ahead by many more, but I have been doing enough to keep my head above the water. Again what does that say about me? I shan't head too deeply in those waters, after all this is about writing, not my messed up psyche.

It's been a sense of elation and sometimes frustration that I have to write the 1667 words a day to achieve it. I know I am capable of writing more in a day, and some days when I've struggled I've written utter tosh (which doesn't bother me, editing is for that!). Life gets in the way, but NaNoWriMo has given me permission to tell it to bugger off and get on with my writing. It's felt great to get a novel out in such a short time, and it's again more practice for me. I haven't had time to wonder and ponder over things, just to get the characters and the story down on paper.

It's been a fantastic journey.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

NaNoWriMo-Halfway there

I can't quite believe it is already half way through the month. I am nearing my target of 25,000 for tonight, less that 1300 words to go so I think I will make it.

Last few days have been draining and a tad dramatic. I learnt the hard way yesterday not to drink too much caffeine when you're over tired. Resulted in lots of shaking and a fair bit of crying. That aside I feel better and got some time today to tap out some words. I am starting to jump about with scenes but I will come back and fill the gaps in later, that is a way I tend to work. At least I know how this story is meant to end, and I can work on from there.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

NaNoWriMo # day 13-slowing down

Life seems to be throwing plenty to keep me busy at the moment, hardly a moment to sit and breath let alone bang out the words in the day time. I'm currently at my brother's new flat (most of this evening I've spent cleaning!) and been busy all day. I got to meet my friends Stephen for a coffee and discuss our novels, which was refreshing, he's enjoying the challenge and I loved the theme ideas he has in the novel.

Currently for today I'm about 1600 words behind, so I'm gonna see if I can get back on track for tonight (still a way to go until midnight!) Just got to the 20,000 word mark which I'm pleased with! Just gotta carry on and get this baby done in time!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

NaNoWriMo day #11-beating the story back

The last few days seem to have been so busy, I am finding it very difficult to keep on top of the word count. I sat in a coffee shop for a few hours yesterday to catch up and I feel I made progress, but I did forget to update my word count!! My stats show I am starting to lag a bit, but that's simply because weekends are very busy for me (and general running about for my parents.)

I'm enjoying the story, but now I'm finding I'm not sure where to take the next part, where the heroine has to make a home for herself in the wild. In the original fairy tale, she says 'oh no problem, I'll eat some nuts and roots, and I can use my deer for a brother for a pillow....'

Yeah right! My girl is fixing the roof, falling off the ladder, trying to climb trees and getting stuck, learning what leaves to eat and which not to. I have a nice old guy helping her out, he doesn't ask much from her, if not he's a bit lonely, and his family have all moved away.

I've got the court fleshed out a little bit, and I want to make my girls interaction with the price/king a little more interesting than in the tale where the King goes 'you are the fairest maid I ever saw, come to my castle and be my wife!'

How many girls have been won by that line? So I have the guy say it in a drug induced stupor which merely makes my girl roll her eyes. But they do fall in love. That will be fun to write, I don't know the name any of the royalty yet, but I have time for that...only 19 days left! I will beat this!! I will win! For writing is coming!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

NaNoWriMo day #6- Onto the 10,000

Today I lost a bet. I actually lost it whilst I was at creative writing class. It's mildly annoying, as my friend has reached 10,000 words, and now I have to buy the coffee when we hang out next. But it's also fun, and amazing that he's reached the goal already! Considering he has a full time job and only squeezes some writing in at lunch, congrats to the guy!

Yesterday was busy for me, I worked in the morning, had a couple hours off, did a couple hundred words and had a busy shift in the kitchen in the evening. I guiltily dipped into my small buffer of words to help keep me on target. I've got tonight and tomorrow off, so I'm going to really go for it. I feel I'm sticking to the spirit of the month by writing everything as fresh as I can everyday. I'm not going into my buffer unless the scene is needed. I'm definitely not doing that tonight. There's wine in the fridge and I won't stop until I've got to 10,000 tonight.

See you on the other side, hopefully not too drunk though!

Saturday, 3 November 2012

NaNoWriMo Day #3

Progress is underway for today's target of 1667 words, I aim to go over a bit everyday. I do have a small buffer of words but it does feel dishonest to use them at this point in time. They're only quick sketches of scenes I'll add in when I need them, and probably expand them too.

It's always hard finding the feet of a new main character. My girl Evara is a mix of headstrong and a bit laid back. I suppose she needs to harden up a bit after getting away from the evil stepmother! 

What I'm loving about the spirit of NaNoWriMo (this year I've really got into it) is that I'm wanting to write, the challenge is exciting, it's daring me to succeed. I recently took on part time job (only two mornings a week) and it is hard work, but quite enjoyable. I come away feeling I've done good but achieved very little as the house will no doubt be a mess when I next go back! It's good pay, but the family make sure they get what they pay for. Today I worked from 8am -2pm, and didn't stop the whole time but for a quick tea break. I'd also been working the night before until 12:30 pm, and normally after a long couple days I'd crawl home into bed and sleep. But today I got on my laptop and actually wrote a bit! I am taking advantage of the pub being totally dead tonight (being bonfire night) but I am achieving my word count each day so far. 

Feels good to be back in the game.