Saturday, 15 December 2012

Rejection and Opportunity

I had my first official rejection letter today. It was a short story I sent to Woman's Weekly, but I felt special because the address was hand written. I can only imagine the cramp the poor person gets, and how bored they must be to do nothing but write addresses on letters all day. I wasn't overly bothered, so my skin must be getting thicker. A few years behind a bar taking crap from drunk people must be having an effect at long last. It does mean I need to be submitting  more suitable stories to magazines, but that's a step at a time.

Opportunity wise, I feel a little more confident as someone has emailed me back about an internship, so fingers crossed it will be a good opportunity. I need to shake my life up again, I'm getting too settled into an easy life. Anything will be better than living above a pub!! 

Novel wise, my novel from Nanowrimo has slowed down a lot, but the ideas are still jumping out at me, I think I need to start carrying a tape recorder around so I don't forget my ideas! It's rather appealing to be saying: 'note to self' when inspired.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Why a cut finger is a good excuse not to write

Well, it's not really a good excuse, and not a very impressive war wound to show my friends. I'm just taking it because trying to type is painful. See the cut is just in the wrong place where I tend to touch the keyboard, and everything else beside. I've been changing beds with gloves on and and gritting my teeth and waving my finger in the air as if I'm at the stock exchange and a really really cool offer has come up.

This week has been proof of life and duty getting in the way. A comment someone made to me last night has opened my eyes too. They said I was more my own person now than I was a year ago. And it's true, I feel more comfortable in my skin, when I look in the mirror, I think, yes, that's me. I was putting the feelings down to rebellion, which they are, but at the age of 23, I'm tired of paying my dues to the family business. So much of my life is wrapped up in the stupid dramas of a pub. I'm feeling ready to let all of this go now. It's a matter of putting my writing first for a change and finding a job related to that.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

End of NaNoWrimo!

I am a winner!!

Seriously, it feels good. I've crossed the 50,000 word line somewhat intact, but hell do I feel great. This is the most I've written in a very long time. It was nice to have yesterday off, lots of drama from the pub, needed  a little down time. I've been rewarded with my efforts with a lovely cold that may or may not leave me fighting for my life. Gotta love the cold weather.

My brother has decided to launch his own version of NaNoWriMo for December in his own words ' solitary novel writing non-calander month (SolNoWroNoCalMo).' This did seriously make mr laugh, and snort. Which isn't very attractive of me, but shows my brother has a sense of humour.

Far as my novel goes, I think I have another 15,000 words to go before I'm happy with a first draft. I found a novel competition for the end of January, so I think I'm going to aim for that. I should keep up with the 1600 or so words a day, not a huge amount to write, but in the long term, a great way to knock a novel out in a couple months.