Thursday, 3 April 2014

National Poem Month

I've decided to take part in NaPoWriMo, I did if two years ago with some semi good results, might start writing a poem in my lunch break at work (yes I got a job!). Today's prompt was to press the button on the Bilbliomancy Oracle and write a poem based on the quote you get.

'You can only disappear once and then they will find you out.
Swift and certain chaos will tell you to try your luck again.'
from “Three Ghazals for Departure” by Leigh Stein

Ghazals on first impression
Are lofty desert tents, until I 
The watered down unpractised poet, 
Realises they are a form of something.
A form better than my attempt to braid my hair 
As the lockes full loose as my layers of 
Petaling hair refuse to be combined into order. 

Chaos could be welcome, if it had an agenda. But like 
My hair that grows too slowly, I treadle my path 
Too slowly, an eastly and easy target for disaster,
Until I shake off the shame and ashes for the next time 
I need to be found.