As of tomorrow morning I will be starting my new job as Marketing Assistant. This new job came as quite a surprise but a good one none the less! My last role as website copywriter hadn't been going as well it could have, it was a mixture of reasons but my old boss has been supportive and hopefully gives me a decent reference.
I thought to start looking and applying for jobs at the 3 month mark of my contract as it has proven to take a few months to find a new role, this new role I've been offered was the first interview I went for and I really didn't expect to get it, as you rarely get the first one. It looks to be a promising role, certainly to learn everything on the job and I can start applying my CIM Diploma to the role which is great!
My suit it clean and pressed, I've got all of the paperwork sorted out, so early bed and relaxing time tonight! Tomorrow I start a new career path!