Tuesday, 31 January 2012

The Future of Publishing

I make no allusion to being an expert on the publishing world, if not I am a total outsider to it. I see no more from the point of view from the consumer, i.e what the books and magazines that I buy. I have known for a long time it’s a hard industry to break, notorious for rejecting new writers without even the title being glanced at. I’m soon to join the long queue of writers hoping to break into the publishing world. I have visions of my manuscript not going for the bin, but being carried to the bosses on a silver platter with cries of amazement and gratitude from the staff as they all applaud it (and a few falling to their knees as well, that wouldn’t hurt.). Then the boss himself would weep with happiness that of all places, my manuscript had ended up at their publishing house.

That mostly definitely will not be the case. It’ll probably land on the floor a few times, get some coffee stains on it, and be used by one of the work experience staff to write the phone number of the copy editor they fancy. There will be plenty of rejection slips before an editor or agent even gets half way through. And mostly likely being my first novel, the prospects won’t be fantastic.

But that means there’s an iota of a chance that someone will enjoy it. Perhaps not much, thought that is something I’m happy to accept. Time and rejection are writer’s closest friend.

It’s not hard to notice at the moment that e-readers like amazon’s kindle are a new avenue for self- publishing. A previously cloistered, expensive world of self-publishing is now opening up to new writers. It’s hard not to be tempted by such a great opportunity. Everyone and their dog can be published on the kindle. There’s great success stories like Kerry Wilkinson who have topped the best seller list on Amazon for several weeks. His first book, ‘Locked In’ has sold over 100,000 copies. Who could resist such a chance?

But with great self-publishing comes great responsibility. There’s also a great supply of books that show evidence of poor editing, and also bad writing. What these self-publishers lack if the expertise of the publishing house and agents. It’s a hard world to get by in (but let’s face it, the likes of Twilight was published, it can only get worse.) and anyone with an internet connection and word processor is an overnight author.

Before you ask, of course I’m tempted to publish on the kindle! I almost relented and did start uploading some work. I pulled myself back in time. I want my novel to stand a good chance in the traditional market before I decide to do it myself. 

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