Sunday, 27 January 2013

Coming through the haze

I graduated this week. It was a good ceremony, and what made it more fun was hiding in the toilets for half of it with my friend Marian, and then trying to make our way back to our seats with no one noticing, which is difficult since we have curtain tassels hanging from our ridiculous hats. It was cold, so cold that peep toe shoes weren't the best footwear for the weather. Once my feet defrosted, it was a good day, we had lunch in a nice pub, had drinks and I went home rather tipsy.

The next day I was blessed with a mild case of tonsillitis and a bad cold. I was planning on cracking on with some writing, but bad colds just leave me feeling totally and utterly useless and brain dead. Lying on the sofa napping all of yesterday has helped a lot, and the haze seems to have lifted this morning, which is a good thing because I really do have to crack on with some copy writing!!

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