Thursday, 25 July 2013

Freelance writing is like waiting for a bus...

Three turn up at once.

The dry spell is over! Phew! I'm glad! It's sort of been a nice few weeks off, but I'm glad the extra money will be coming in and I can start saving again. I thought I had missed the chance for a new project but I managed to get in there and show what I could offer, so that's one box ticked. The work on PPh has slowed, couple of hourlies sold but I prefer longer term stuff, it's nice to work with the same people as you get to know them over time and they will come to you first with work.

The typewriter works like a dream. I got a new ribbon for it and the words just pop on the paper, it's great to see everything in a clear ink and I'm not pressing as hard. I do need to slow right down though. Typed up a poem and some quotes on it, and I can say my eyes have been spoilt for perfect margins and even line breaks. All part of the vintage experience of writing on a typewriter though. 

The fiction writing had tapered off, I need to pick it up again, but after spending all day copywritng, staring at a screen just hurts and makes me feel tired. I have new glasses with a fancy anti-glare coating on them, but they hurt, I need to get them fitted properly. The typewriter might be frustrating, I have to see but I can't wait to see what I might write on it.

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